Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Masustansyang gulay ugaliin, araw-araw itong ihain

If you are so concern about your health, what are you going to do to improve it? It is very clear to all of us that a healthy diet that rich in vegetables is a key to improve or maintain our good health.
Vegetables play an important role in our diet but some children do not like these for a reason that fast foods are much more appealing and those foods are not sufficient in our balance diet. If Then, try to make your vegetables more appealing in serving. Be creative, make fun of it, make your plating more attractive to many children.
Vegetables are packed with vitamins to keep our bodies working well and strengthen our immune system. It also helps us to prevent health problems. Vegetables are excellent sources of vitamin A, E, C, fiber, folic acid and potassium. Vegetables also are great foods or snack.

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